The Far South

Shana Tova !! (happy new year in Hebraic)

Le 02/01/12, 1:50


So after an unexpected very nice Christmas in BA thanks to Marcus, I finally left the town to go on with my journey...this time far more to the South, to the very end even, since I flew to Ushuaia.
I just stayed there two days, hosted by Valentin from Couchsurfing, and I wish I could have stayed longer because I really enjoyed the scenery, with the Beagle canal and the many Islands with a lot of wildlife...sealions, pinguins an many other birds. It was very rare to have still daylight at 23h, and it was a bit cold, but I got quite lucky with the weather,with some sunny intervals, but a very strong wind.
But I have a short schedule and had to go on to Chile, at Puerto Natales to make a 4 days trek at the Torres del Paine national park.
The trip took me a big day, crossing all the Tierra del Fuego Island, waiting 2 hours at the Chilean border, and bus again, then finally arrive at Puerto Natales and learn that a huge fire started two days ago in the National Park, and was uncontrolable due to the very strong winds, park was closed !!
It was a big deception since it's supposed the be the nicest place in Chile and one of the best parks in all South America...still I got lucky enough to find a bus the next day (because everybody wanted to leave at the same time this place, and all the transportations were full for the next 3 days)to my next step...El Calafate in Argentina, where I finally spend the new year's eve and see one of the natural wonders of the country, the Perito Moreno Glacier.
Even more than before in Peru, hords of Israelis visit this part of the world, and here in El calafate, there so many that we can find them even outside their usually own hostels and restaurants...but they still don't mix with anybody else...poot guys really.
In the hostel I also met Jordi (catalan firemean travelling the world for already more than a year) and Jamal (yes an israeli! but not jewish, and actually doesn't really like either his compatriots), and gonna travel with them for at least a week.

[ Voir les photos : Argentine - Ushuaia ]

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