Le 02/09/12, 23:02
hi guys!
now i speak in english, because there is no reson! i am in england!
well i will explain you my fabulous week-end in the peak district national park. i was going with a new wwoofer "heather" an american girl who i don't now her age, but about thirty. she is crazy about climbing and wild !!! and the goodpoint is that there is a lot of roc in this area! so we had climbing a lot on saturday, may be five or six diferent way, and it was amazing ! she have all the equipment for climbing exept my harness but don't wory she made me another one, with some roop, so i was in safe ! it was a very beautiful place with a lot of heather ( yes i know it is the name of the american wwoofer but it is also the name of a plant ) anyway, lot of peety moss and grass for the vegetation and we could see some squirrel, wierd birds, wild chickens, sheep and goat ! it was really beautiful!!!!
well we had finished the sunday by a wild camping in a pin forest just clothes to the rocks, with a camp fire, during we both learn english and french. very interesting because there is lot of prononciation who's are very difficult to prononciat for both us. very funny !! on sunday we woke up at 7 am and because the wethear was really misty, we decide to walk, so we started walking at 9am to may be twelve thirty we had walking for ten kilometer with both twenty kilo on our back !!
and finish by a little climbreally excyting because there was a little roof to passed!!! but really easier after this walk !!! faut pas deconner !!!
well i hope that you have understand that i mean because there is surely a lot of fake !!! like in french
thank's for your new guys i amreally enjoy for that!
juju juju juju i love you
mum thank for all and particulary for my income taxes this times
i love you both !!
thank's foryour news alex77 and give my "bon dia" to vitor
I have a think for every body i know
and i finish by the better
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and lot of hugs for you sophie !
now i speak in english, because there is no reson! i am in england!
well i will explain you my fabulous week-end in the peak district national park. i was going with a new wwoofer "heather" an american girl who i don't now her age, but about thirty. she is crazy about climbing and wild !!! and the goodpoint is that there is a lot of roc in this area! so we had climbing a lot on saturday, may be five or six diferent way, and it was amazing ! she have all the equipment for climbing exept my harness but don't wory she made me another one, with some roop, so i was in safe ! it was a very beautiful place with a lot of heather ( yes i know it is the name of the american wwoofer but it is also the name of a plant ) anyway, lot of peety moss and grass for the vegetation and we could see some squirrel, wierd birds, wild chickens, sheep and goat ! it was really beautiful!!!!
well we had finished the sunday by a wild camping in a pin forest just clothes to the rocks, with a camp fire, during we both learn english and french. very interesting because there is lot of prononciation who's are very difficult to prononciat for both us. very funny !! on sunday we woke up at 7 am and because the wethear was really misty, we decide to walk, so we started walking at 9am to may be twelve thirty we had walking for ten kilometer with both twenty kilo on our back !!
and finish by a little climbreally excyting because there was a little roof to passed!!! but really easier after this walk !!! faut pas deconner !!!
well i hope that you have understand that i mean because there is surely a lot of fake !!! like in french

thank's for your new guys i amreally enjoy for that!
juju juju juju i love you
mum thank for all and particulary for my income taxes this times
i love you both !!
thank's foryour news alex77 and give my "bon dia" to vitor
I have a think for every body i know
and i finish by the better
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and lot of hugs for you sophie !